We are missional, that means we build everything through the art of service — developing the character, heart and attitude of Jesus. We believe that all the purposes of the Church spring to life from service and therefore we are committed to design each ministry with the development of the servant’s heart as a primary goal.

…We believe that all of the purposes of the church spring to life from service

  • Authentic worship is best experienced and most naturally expressed in and after serving Romans 12:1

  • Deep and intimate fellowship is fostered while we serve together Acts 2

  • Holistic discipleship occurs most effectively while we serve with one another as modeled in the lives and relationships experienced in the New Testament

  • Evangelism is most effective in the midst of meeting the of needs of each other (fellow members of the Body of Christ) and the lost in and through service Jesus Ministry

“Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, ‘If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all.'”
Mark 9:35